Declining battery costs are making electric vehicle prices more competitve. By 2023, EV prices could be on par with similar gas-powered vehicles.
This infographic is a unique look at the estimated 217 billion m³ of mine tailings around the world.
This infographic tracks $2.87B from 425 transactions for gold projects in 41 countries between February 1, 2020, and February 28, 2021.
Central banks have long held onto gold in their reserves, but how have they been managing their gold reserves over the past 20 years?
Electric vehicle batteries harness the properties of raw materials to power vehicles. Here are the top 25 nations supplying raw materials for EV batteries.
$1 in 1913 had the same purchasing power as $26 in 2020. This chart shows how the purchasing power of the dollar has changed over time.
There are various investment methods to get gold exposure. Whether it's gold bullion, ETFs, or mining stocks, which one works best for you?
The UN's Food and Agricultural Organization's food price index has increased since mid-2020 for nine months straight, with meat prices lagging behind.
Rare earth metals are critical to several modern technologies. See how rare earth production has changed over time in this chart.
This massive infographic reveals the dramatic scale of 2019 non-fuel mineral global production.