Russia leads the pack with natural resources valued at $75 trillion.
With Russia’s revenues from fossil fuel exports having declined significantly, which countries are still importing Russian fossil fuels?
While Russia still makes billions from fossil fuel exports, revenues are declining. Here are the largest importers since the start of the invasion.
As Europe and the EU shift away from fossil fuels, which energy sources are European countries depending on for their electricity generation?
How much oil, coal, and natural gas do we extract each year? See the scale of annual fossil fuel production in perspective.
This table shows the fluctuating returns for various commodities over the past decade, from energy fuels to industrial and precious metals.
The year 2022 was full of volatility for commodity prices. This infographic charts the top 10 best and worst commodities by returns in 2022.
The U.S. and Canada rely on a different makeup of sources to generate their electricity. How does each state and province make theirs?
How much gas have European countries stored ahead of winter, and how does it compare against their annual consumption?
From rising inflation to food insecurity, we show why energy price shocks have far-reaching effects on the global economy.